
Birt þann 30. september, 2011 | Höfundur: Nörd Norðursins


Nýr Syndicate leikur væntanlegur 2012

Sænska leikjafyrirtækið Starbreeze Studios (Enclave, The Darkness) hefur fengið það verkefni að endurvekja Syndicate leikinn fyrir EA. Upprunalegi Syndicate leikurinn er frá Bullfrog Productions og er rauntímaleikur frá árinu 1993 þar sem spilarinn stjórnar fjórum sæborgum sem eru sendir til að leysa ýmis verkefni. Verkefnin eru af ýmsum stærðargráðum og eru alltaf frá því að ræna mikilvægum vísindamönnum og yfir í að myrða valda aðila. Spilarinn er með gott útsýni (bird’s-eye view) yfir borginni og stjórnar hvert sæborgarnir fara og hvað þeir gera. Í kjölfar leiksins komu út fleiri leikir og aukapakkar.

Spilun Syndicate (1993):

Nýi Syndicate leikurinn, sem er fyrstu persónu skotleikur, mun tækla leikinn frá öðru sjónarhorni. Leikurinn er endurgerð af þeim gamla, þ.e.a.s. söguþráðurinn er sá sami en spilun leiksins og nálgun viðfangsefnisins er önnur. Það eru eflaust margir sem hlakka til að spila nýjan Syndicate leik, en um leið margir sem eru fyrir vonbrigðum að leiknum hafi verið breytt í fyrstu persónu skotleik. En það er þó óumdeilanlegt að stiklan fyrir leikinn er andskoti flottur!

Stikla fyrir Syndicate sem er væntanlegur 2012:

Í lýsingu á nýja leiknum kemur eftirfarandi fram:

Syndicate is the re-imagination of a cult classic franchise from 1993 – a unique action shooter set in a not too distant future, where Business is War.

2069 – No longer governed by politicians, the developed world is divided up into regions controlled by megacorporations known as Syndicates. These Syndicates have revolutionized how the consumer interacts with the digital world. No longer does the consumer require a device to access the world’s data and control their technology, they can do this at the blink of an eye via neural chip implant. Civilians flocked to be „chip’d“ and enjoy all that their selected Syndicate has to offer; housing, medical, banking, insurance, education, entertainment and jobs. One complete package. One complete lifestyle. In return, the Syndicates gained unprecedented insights, and control, over the individual and their behaviour. With little governmental oversight, business has become war. The Syndicates will stop at nothing for ultimate market dominance. At the front line of this war are the Agents, the Syndicate’s bio-engineered and chip-augmented enforcers. They can breach anything in the wired world including their enemies, their weapons and the environment that surrounds them, making them the most efficient and deadly technological weapons in the world.
Take on the role of Miles Kilo, Eurocorp’s latest prototype agent, and embark on a brutal action adventure of corruption and revenge.

• Chip Enhanced Gameplay: Slow down time, see through walls, and breach your enemy and everything digital in the world with Dart vision – A neural DART6 chip implant that allows you to interface directly with the Dataverse.

• 4-Player Online Co-op: Assemble your Syndicate for global domination. A 4-player, online co-op experience like no other, with chip enhanced gameplay and 9 missions re-imagined from the original Syndicate.

• Visceral FPS Experience: Utilize an upgradable arsenal of futuristic weapons, armor and gear to annihilate your enemies and harvest their chip technology for personal advancement and sinister corporate greed.

• Sci-Fi Fiction: Immerse yourself in the world of Syndicate 2069, with a world-class sci-fi story experience, written by bestselling author Richard Morgan.


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